There are some themes where the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio will seek a balancing act: Whats mine (Taurus) vs whats ours (Scorpio) The North Node in Taurus will invite us to focus on whats ours our own material, emotional, mental and spiritual resources. But thats perhaps because what we wanted in the first place was not what we truly wanted. It could deepen our relationship to our ancestors, to the other side, to the possibilities of what else might be out there. You may be an excellent saver, and others may look up to you for advice when it comes to handling finances wisely. Youre in a creative period, too. Firstly, I wanted to share a specific perspective of the nodes, and how the nodal transits influence our psyche, and ultimately, our evolution. And this approach goes beyond food. If you are (approx) 27, 46, 64 or 83 years old, you will have your Reverse Nodal Return, which is a time of adjustment, integration of what youve learned, and karmic recalibration. If youve been living in a well-constructed illusion, or just live a life other people or society has crafted for you, then the awakening can be quite shocking something like Neo in the Matrix. The North Node entered Taurus two days later, on 3 Sep. On 15 Mar 2022 the North Node entered Gene Key 23, the neighboring Key . On January 18th, 2022 we have one of the most important events of the year. If you want to keep up with the future transits,subscribe to Astro Butterflys weekly newsletter. Your early life was quite likely structured enough for you to achieve a reasonable level of social or material success. Use your good luck and power shades in all aspects of your life for an extra boost of good fortune. A major astrological event is happening that will set the course for the next 18 months. Beginning of cycles are very powerful, so you really want to take your time to tap into this powerful renewal energy of the Sun-Venus conjunction to get crystal clear about who you really are and what it is that you truly want. However, if your birth date falls on a beginning or ending date, you will need to have a chart drawn to find the correct north node sign. The North Node entered Taurus on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. As they begin to share their emotions, however, they will slowly but surely dissipate these fears and channel their energy into more constructive purposes. The more serenity you discover within yourself, the more nurturing and peaceful your life and relationships will be. Ah! Dont resist! She wrote a monthly column for the Atlanta Astrological Society and shares her insights in Daily Astro Inspirations. January 2022 is a transition month. Happy birthday to all Aquarius people out there! Luck is on your side! Follow her @lisastardustastro on Instagram, @lisastardust on TikTok, @lisastardust_ on Twitter, @lisastardust on Facebook or visit her website for more astrological goodness. Even those born with this nodal aspect in an advanced position will be challenged to find ways in which they can demonstrate they are willing to participate as equals with their employees. Astrological Notes for Tuesday, January 3rd, 2022 for All Signs Date: Today is January 3rd, 2023. It is not so much a shift away from a hierarchical structure as it is an iteration that the top must be in constant touch with the base and that both should feel that everyone has an equal chance and an equal stake in the organization. The South Node shows us what our. Unhealthy Scorpio energy doesnt believe that the best things in life are actually free, and will unconsciously try to work hard to get them. The first step to living a fulfilling life is freeing yourself from negative Scorpio south node behavior patterns and acknowledging that you're a survivor who seeks peace and has power over your own life. With the North Node in Taurus this person can do anything they set their mind to they will also have great success. 25 th May to 8 th June 2023. Sticking to a schedule and maintaining it doesnt vibe well with your free spirit. The Taurus North Node native is very grounded, materialistic, stable, patient, hardworking, persistent, persevering and loyal. The North Node is opposing your Sun, which means youre aligned with the South Node right now. Sun conjunct Venus is a rebirth of the heart. These conjunctions happen in Capricorn, and Capricorn speaks for structural change. Its a fertile time when you can generate new ideas and possibilities. The Gemini/Sagittarius axis is the axis of information, travel, movement and law. Some people will express that their beliefs are real because a piece of paper tells them so. 2021 was an intense year for many of you, and you all deserve a good pat on the shoulder. They are not planets, but mathematical points that . It is also a time when you explore themes of parenthood and children. Mercury is also applying to a conjunction with Saturn. Scorpio is control and release the inner knowing of when to hold on to something, and when to surrender. The North Node moves through another earth sign, and you have more of a stake in your destiny. Capricorn Colors That Bring Good Luck and Power. We should all be grateful for what we have, for what is abundantly everywhere, right? Of course, things dont always get better in the blink of an eye. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Instead of being jealous of those who are more fortunate than us, we will learn to harness our own wealth potential using our desire and tenacity. We will never sell your information, for any reason. On January 14th, 2022 Mercury goes retrograde at 10 Aquarius. If youre still unsure about what all these Venus and Mercury Pluto transformations exactly require from you, pay attention to anything that happens, any download or any aha moments you may have around January 16th. This is a lot of Pluto energy! This interpretation is based on an internal, psychological approach to astrology which mirrors modern psychology and gives birth to a jungian interpretation. They are generous with their friends, loved ones, and are never a stranger to having a good time. The South Node is the familiar comfort zone, what we instinctively know from previous lifetimes (or through genetic memory), what feels safe and natural our comfort zone. Throughout their lives, individuals with this nodal opposition experience an inner tug-of-war between their Scorpio south node and Taurus north node. Unhealthy Scorpio energy doesnt believe that the best things in life are actually free, and will unconsciously try to work hard to get them. Finding a balance between these two opposing energies is hard, but its necessary in order to satisfy both parts of our karmic destiny. On January 2nd, 2022 Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Venus: 0 Degrees Aquarius sextile Jupiter. Taurus is sensual. Scorpio is also very sensual, but in a different way. Eros (Taurus) vs Thanatos (Scorpio) The North Node in Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love. Scorpio is notorious for using the Taurus free stuff love, sex, pleasure, money as a weapon to gain control, believing that control will help ease the feelings of guilt and anxiety. While the best things in life are indeed free, they require hard work and conscious awareness to be appreciated. At a collective level, there emphasis will shift from Gemini-Sagittarius themes (movement, travel, education, laws) to Taurus-Scorpio themes (values, finances, possessions). Omg I already had 2 miscarriages with these transits! Things will suddenly become clear, and youll know exactly what you need to do. Spread a blanket on the ground and have a gourmet picnic accompanied by a glass of fine wine. Do you feel alive inside? But there is also a part of us that never changes. You could find your own artistic outlets during this cycle. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. In astrology, the north node is with your life purpose and your soul's mission in this lifetime. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. On January 18th, 2022 Uranus goes direct at 10 Taurus, so we will have an intensification of Uranian energy. yes, you can now follow your path with no more hindrances! On January 18, 2022, the North and South Nodes of Destiny enter Taurus and Scorpio. These are some questions to consider as we move forward into this cycle. When Capricorn and Cancer get together, there's sizzling chemistry. This represents the point of destiny that we are supposed to develop in. I am a Taurus rising, with Scorpio in the seventh house. Knowing this, you will be extra careful when choosing a partner because if you dont succeed, it could delay your progress in other areas, such as career and money. Everyone born during the dates listed below has the north node in Taurus. The North Node in the sign of Taurus is a sign that knows how to enjoy themselves. Autonomy (Taurus) vs. He longs for stability and routine in his life. This placement indicates that the individual is likely to possess an abundance of practical assets, financial or otherwise, and may well make money through hard physical work, investing in real estate, or other tangible endeavors. There is hope on the horizon but to get there we still have some important work to do. North Node is the head of the dragon/serpent. Celebrate your intense, sensual side, and joyfully use your innate investigative skills and ability to unravel mysteries. Only from a position on enoughness can we then build something beautiful with others. The north node () sign represents the fulfillment and happiness you strive for in life. Or we take whats ours for granted, by neglecting not only our own needs, but also our partners needs. If your birthday is around one of these dates or if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or angles (Ascendant, Descendant, MC, IC) around the degrees of the eclipse, you will be especially influenced by the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio in 2022-2023. In fact, the lunar nodes work as a pair of opposites that move together in the same degree. In astrology, the lunar nodes dictate the astrological energy that well be working with for the next one and a half years. Although youre used to relying on your intuition, youre finding that its essential to look at actual facts before forming an opinion. But as soon as we surrender to whatever this truth is, the exact thing weve been terrified of becomes our greatest ally. After that, you can simply rely on fate to do its job. While people used to only read their daily sun sign horoscope, a, Do Capricorns and Scorpios Get Along? In January 2022, Mercury is in a conjunction orb with Pluto for almost the entire month, and on January 16th, 2022 we also have our yearly Sun-Pluto conjunction. The lunar nodes are sensitive points in a birth chart. In February, March and especially in April we will see the fruits of our intense labor. If your relationships have been unbalanced or dominated by power struggles, this is the time to cut off putrid ties and develop a healthy sense of self-worth. Although you are likely to experience love in many of its experiences, this placement indicates that you may have more trouble than others finding the right one. The famous individuals listed below have a Taurus north node. Or it could mean that you try hard to create stability in your life. Nodes of the Moon Explained The Nodes of the Moon are not actual planets or asteroids. This is a volatile combination. What used to be important to us in the past 18 months when the Nodes have been in Gemini and Sagittarius will now take a back seat, as new themes are requiring our focus. Taurus Nodes may hide negative feelings deep inside, paranoid that others can tune into them as easily as they tune into others, thus generating a lot of anxiety and wasted energy. Sometimes you have to trust your gut. Youve got this! The. For those who choose to take the invitation, it could connect us deeper into the past. With the nodes are talking about the moon. It may mean that youre difficult to move, or that youre not really interested in moving from your current position. The Taurus/Scorpio process of intake/outturn is very much mimicked by the 2 Lunar Nodes. Each pair of signs are connected. The life's mission of those with the north node in Cancer is to become a warm. With the North Node in Taurus, Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others is a great line to follow. In contrast, Thanatos seeks the destruction or the transformation of the physical body, so it can transcendent its material limitations. We might have to leave behind old perceptions related to sexuality and gender. Of course, finding whats truly valuable is not the end it is the beginning of a Scorpnionic journey of continuous transformation. This is the best time to set your intentions for 2022, so you may want to wait with your New Years Resolutions for a couple of days. If you want to keep up with the future transits,subscribe to Astro Butterflys weekly newsletter. They're instinctively inclined to expect and assume the worst and often undermine their relationship happiness with suspicion and accusation. The South Node represents our unresolved karma, that we need to sort out in this lifetime. As we move into Taurus North node, a fixed sign of foundations, structure and stability, where we get to explore our senses and sensuality, especially through our connection with the Earth. While the economic ties to Taurus are abundantly clear as the North Node enters this sign and news about inflation the economy are everywhere, there is no doubt that conversation around land, land ownership, digital land, and the environment will be a major focus of the next year and a half. These are individuals whose life's journey is one of overcoming fear, betrayal, and mistrust to become creative and stable souls. The best things in life are the byproduct of something thats authentically good and has a personal meaning to us therefore cannot be bought on the market. However, in January 2022 its the personal planets Mercury, Venus and the Sun that go through Plutos purgatory fire of transformation. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}Know a Pisces? These natives have an order and symmetry that you would expect with the perfectionist sign of Taurus. How much do you value yourself in relationships? Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. Promise. These will always be opposite to each other. Life happened TO us. The North Node concludes its phase in Taurus from January 1 of 2023, when it will move on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Some Uranian-driven changes may come at a shock, but if were really honest to ourselves we know that these changes only happen to get us unstuck from situations that weve been complacent with for too long. To me, the moon has everything to do with resonance and your emotional body the imprints on the . These are moments to lay low. Where does that come from? All rights reserved. (Scorpio) The North Node in Taurus will ask us to develop our self-worth. With a Taurus north node, having a solid sense of what's important to you is the key to a fulfilling life. The nodes also set the signs and story for the eclipses that will occur over the next 18 months. There are parts of ourselves that used to define us in the past and some of these parts may no longer be relevant, they may no longer serve our growth. Those with a Taurus north node long for a stable, lasting relationship. Jupiter: 3 degrees Aries Saturn: 18 degrees Aquarius square North Node. So, that means the transiting South Node is in Scorpio for the next year and a half. Ceres will exit Taurus on February 8, after making her way through the sign from May 8-July 31, 2021 and December 21, 2021-February 8, 2022. Theres a lot of Pluto energy, inviting us to transform at a core, structural level. A great example of this is when the transiting North Node was in Cancer, the sign of the home and family. Often, our focus is on the themes represented by the transiting North Node, and the transiting South Node shows us whats on the back burner. Learn, explore, and grow. The transiting nodes indicate where were focusing (North Node) and what were analyzing and repairing (South Node). You can expect similar themes to resurface from January 2022 until July 2023. Venus goes direct and on the same day, Mercury retrograde is conjunct Pluto at 26 Capricorn. by Ryan Hart | Updated on March 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Taurus North Node / Scorpio South Node dates Aug, 2, 1947 - Jan. 25, 1949 Feb. 19, 1966 - Aug. 19, 1967 Sept. 11, 1984 - Apr. On January 23rd, 2022 Sun is conjunct Mercury at 3 Aquarius and a new Mercury cycle begins. The North Node in Taurus is often found in a professional role such as accounting, banking, the law, entertainment or the food industry. Be bold in pursuing goals. The South Node, or the Tail of the Dragon, with its release, karmic function reminds us of Scorpio. When the North Node of Destiny aligns with your Sun, itll make you feel larger than life. Stroll hand in hand on the beach with your lover. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? Express yourself! According to Sigmund Freud, we humans are ruled by two opposing biological instincts: the life instinct (Eros) and the death instinct (Thanatos). Outer planetary energy is collective and outside our control. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. Taurus values what is tangible and real. For the next 18 months, the North Node in Taurus allows us to work smarter, not harder, and attain the financial prosperity we desire. You lost trust in the goodness of life, became hypervigilant, and now constantly feel that the rug will be pulled out from under your feet. Join our mailing list to receive your monthly horoscope and regular updates on the astroweather. Pisces Man and a Capricorn Woman: Are They Compatible? Stationary Mercury is square Uranus, triggering the Saturn-Uranus square that influenced us at a collective level throughout 2021. . The North Node is moving into Taurus, bringing with it that amplification, hunger or "volume up." So if you have personal placements in the sign of Taurus we can expect those placements to be activated by this transit. The North Node Retrograde in Taurus During North Node retrograde, the zodiac signs will face difficulties in distinguishing the past from the present, will have a state of confusion in terms of perceptions, thoughts, and sensations. Food is love. No matter what your Nodal placement is, the transit of the North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio will influence you in one way or another, depending on the areas of your life (houses) ruled by Taurus and Scorpio. Birth is a good example. You learn to rely on yourself and set your own rules, rather than following the values of other people. Have some fun on your own! November 19th, 2021 North Node Lunar Eclipse at 27 Taurus, April 30th, 2022 North Node Solar Eclipse at 10 Taurus, May 15th, 2022 South Node Lunar Eclipse at 25 Scorpio, October 25th, 2022 South Node Lunar Eclipse at 2 Scorpio, May 5th, 2023 South Node Lunar Eclipse at 14 Scorpio, October 28th, 2023 North Node Lunar Eclipse at 5 Taurus. On January 17th, 2022 we have a Full Moon at 27 Cancer. With the south node in Scorpio, you've dealt with emotional and psychological trauma in your past life or early life experiences. Scorpio does sense what is hidden and trusts more what cant be seen. Surrendering to others from a place of love is what Scorpio truly wants, but well only be able to do that if we feel safe and secure (Taurus). This will help you crack open issues and figure them out based on *actual* evidence. The south node () sign represents what's familiar and comfortable. But to do that, to get to your South Node, we need new directions, with the North Node as our compass. You must learn to sense with more than your eyes and your hands, but with your heart and every cell in your being. If youve been depending on other people emotionally, financially or in other ways, this is a time to become more self-reliant. Sun-Mercury cycles are great times to start a new Mercury project, and since the conjunction happens in Aquarius, this may be something connected to communication, technology, social media, friends, networks and groups of people. Youre learning more about leadership and how to receive support from others. We wont be able to complete your karmic lesson unless we look in the exact opposite direction, the direction of the North Node. Saying one thing, then doing . Our values realign with who we truly are. Mercury is now less chatty than your usual Mercury in Aquarius, asking us to become more reflective and more intentional about our communication. Youre also looking at ways to make your home life feel more supportive. However, with the south node in Scorpio, trust doesn't come naturally to them. But the condition for new life to emerge is total surrender, when we give away a little bit of our life force, to create something new. The best things in life are free. What does it mean to own? Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Mercury is conjunct Pluto for a record of almost 3 weeks so you can bet that whatever Mercury has to do in Capricorn will be an intense, all consuming endeavour. There may be some important announcements and revelations about themes connected to the Saturn/Uranus square. Enjoy emotional and sexual intimacy, the magnetic way you attract others, and remain passionately loyal to those you love. The North Node represents the culmination of personality traits, the pinnacle. Were going to see shifts in economic systems, new trends in what were buying and selling, and sustainability as a theme in all industries, especially fashion. The South Node in Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Scorpio, the planets of war and death. I turn 37 on May 17th 2022; This is going to be interesting, haha! The second best are very expensive , Knowing what can go wrong (relationships and friendships can end, too much sunshine can give us cancer, nature can be merciless if we go into the wild unprepared). Its a favorable time to prioritize building new streams of income or starting new ventures. The Full Moon is opposite Pluto, reinforcing the transformation and renewal themes of this month. North Node and Uranus come with a. Work with oracle cards to fine-tune your intuition. Your parents and/or early guides provided you with a foundation from which you could go out into the world to become materially comfortable and settled into a lifestyle that reflected your familial background. These 2 instincts are equally strong and explain the 2 constants in the universe life and death. The moment has come for you to break out your Google Calendar and stop hitting snooze. You could feel pulled between work life and home life or be more aware of the pressures placed upon you by others. On January 26th, 2022 Mercury retrograde re-enters Capricorn to finish what he has started in December 2022. On January 20th, 2022 Sun enters Aquarius. Not only might this connection bring fateful events, but it's also likely to cause quite the stir in your day-to-day routine. Another important theme in January is the Pluto conjunctions with our personal planets. Feel something in the air? 30 April 2022: North Node Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus (10:18 degrees at 21:28). The North Node in Taurus placement describes a person who is practical, compassionate, and sensual. When the North Node is conjunct Uranus, we will be awakened sometimes suddenly, otherwise with interesting serendipities and twists to what it is that we were truly born to do in this lifetime. On January 16th, 2022 the Sun is conjunct Pluto at 26 Capricorn. For example, the north node in Taurus is often blocked by fears of failure or inadequacy. If you were born with this placement, youre naturally financially savvy and know how to manage money well. North Node in Taurus Transit 2022-2023. horoscopes, horoscopes 2022, february horoscope, february, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces, astrology of 2022, horoscope, horoscopes, horoscopes 2022, 2022, aries, libra, taurus, scorpio, gemini, sagittarius, cancer, capricorn, leo, aquarius, virgo, pisces, mars retrograde, saturn square uranus, saturn, Pluto return, Us pluto return, pluto, jupiter, north node, taurus north node, north node in taurus, south node in scorpio, jupiter in pisces, Mars in gemini. Normally, Mercury feels pretty good in Aquarius, because it shares its intellectual and airy qualities of communication, expansion, and freedom of movement. The South Node is in your sign, and this is a year of uncovering hidden truth. North Node In Taurus (South Node In Scorpio) 2022 Predictions: Not only do the North/South Nodes indicate personal growth through transits, but they can also show you how the world will grow and change on a collective level. Ceres' entrance and exit from Taurus has aligned with announcements related to climate change, including the sixth warmest May on record, the sixth hottest year on record, and the tightest ever auto pollution rules released by the EPA. Therefore, its important to chill before lashing out. Taurus is how we indulge with our senses, by giving and receiving pleasure, whereas Scorpio is where we come into complete union with the other. Youre exploring the past, including ancestral patterns and inherited beliefs. Astrological notes for Saturday, October 1st, 2022 for All Signs Date: Today is Saturday, October 1st, 2022 Movement of planets: The Sun is in Libra, The Moon is in 19 degrees Sagittarius. Be a part of a movement. Flexibility will be in short supply but so necessary to move forward. Worrying about failing will hinder you from trying your best. On the other side we have the South Node in Scorpio. It reveals instinctive habit patterns developed in a past life or behavior patterns linked to childhood memories, or even ancestral memories held in your body. They 're instinctively inclined to expect and assume the worst and often undermine relationship... About our communication fulfillment and happiness you strive for in life are indeed free, they hard... Major astrological event is happening that will occur over the next year and a Woman... Which mirrors modern psychology and gives birth to a conjunction with Saturn it could mean that youre difficult to,... 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