. In each epoch the network predicts the labels in a feed forward manner. 11. As instrumentation expands beyond frequencies allocated to radio astronomy and human generated technology fills more of the wireless spectrum classifying RFI as such becomes more important. You signed in with another tab or window. We are unfortunately not able to support these and we do not recommend their usage with OmniSIG. US ground force tactical Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and EW sensors require the ability to rapidly scan large swaths of the RF spectrum and automatically characterize emissions by frequency and. Automated Cataract detection in Images using Open CV and Python Part 1, The brilliance of Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) in DALL-E, Methods you need know to Estimate Feature Importance for ML models. As we can see the data maps decently into 10 different clusters. That is, if there is no out-network user transmission, it is in state, Initialize the number of state changes as. This makes sense since these signals bear a very similar resemblance to one another. In this study, radio frequency (RF) based detection and classification of drones is investigated. Suppose the current classification by deep learning is sDt with confidence cDt, where sDt is either 0 or 1 and cDt is in [0.5,1]. We model the hardware impairment as a rotation on the phase of original signal. A superframe has 10 time slots for data transmission. Classification Network. The signal is separated as two signals and then these separated signals are fed into the CNN classifier for classification into in-network user signals, jamming signals, or out-network user signals. This technique requires handcrafted features such as scale invariant feature transforms (SIFT), bag of words, and Mel-Frequency Cepstral coefficients (see paper for more detail). We train a CNN classifier that consists of several convolutional layers and fully connected layers in the last three stages. Classification algorithms are an important branch of machine learning. We split the data into 80% for training and 20% for testing. You signed in with another tab or window. Are you sure you want to create this branch? If the in-network user classifies the received signals as out-network, it does not access the channel. If multiple in-network users classify their signals to the same type, the user with a higher classification confidence has the priority in channel access. networks, in, J.Kirkpatrick, R.Pascanu, N.Rabinowitz, J.Veness, G.Desjardins, A. Available: M.Abadi, P.Barham, J.C. abnd Z.Chen, A.Davis, J. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a920bfc3cf160080aec82e5009029974" );document.getElementById("a893d6b3a7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) benefits from detection and classification of Using the signal classification results, in-network users allocate time slots for collision-free scheduling in a distributed setting and share the spectrum with each other while protecting out-network user transmissions and avoiding interference from jammers. Superposition of jamming and out-network user signals. MCD fits an elliptic envelope to the test data such that any data point outside the ellipse is considered as an outlier. jQuery('.alert-message') MCD algorithm has a variable called contamination that needs to be tuned. Modulation schemes are methods of encoding information onto a high frequency carrier wave, that are more practical for transmission. sTt=0 and sDt=1. The RF signal dataset "Panoradio HF" has the following properties: 172,800 signal vectors. For example, if st1=0 and p00>p01, then sTt=0 and cTt=p00. signal classification,. On the other hand adding more layers to a neural network increases the total number of weights and biases, ultimately increasing the complexity of the model. Thus, this approach presents the worst-case scenario for outlier detection. When some of the jammer characteristics are known, the performance of the MCD algorithm can be further improved. .css('color', '#1b1e29') with out-network (primary) users and jammers. Re-training the model using all eight modulations brings several issues regarding memory, computation, and security as follows. We studied deep learning based signal classification for wireless networks in presence of out-network users and jammers. Here is the ResNet architecture that I reproduced: Notice a few things about the architecture: Skip connections are very simple to implement in Keras (a Python neural network API) and we will talk about this more in my next blog. amplitude-phase modulated signals in flat-fading channels,, M.Alsheikh, S.Lin, D.Niyato, and H.Tan, Machine learning in wireless Models and methodologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) are commonly used to increase the performance of remote sensing technologies. M.Ring, Continual learning in reinforcement environments, Ph.D. This process generates data, that is close to real reception signals. Benchmark scheme 1. The implementation will also output signal descriptors which may assist a human in signal classification e.g. 1.1. Also, you can reach me at moradshefa@berkeley.edu. DESCRIPTION:The US Army Communication-Electronics Research Development & Engineering Center (CERDEC) is interested in experimenting with signals analysis tools which can assist Army operators with detecting and identifying radio frequency emissions. Feroz, N., Ahad, M.A., Doja, F. Machine learning techniques for improved breast cancer detection and prognosisA comparative analysis. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. signal sources. Update these numbers based on past state i and current predicted state j, i.e., nij=nij+1. The WABBLES network uses multiresolution analysis to look for subtle, yet important features from the input data for a better . We also introduce TorchSig, a signals processing machine learning toolkit that can be used to generate this dataset. This is called the vanishing gradient problem which gets worse as we add more layers to a neural network. stream .css('color', '#1b1e29') This data set should be representative of congested environments where many different emitter types are simultaneously present. (MCD) and k-means clustering methods. Towards Data Science. Please reference this page or our relevant academic papers when using these datasets. This approach achieves 0.972 accuracy in classifying superimposed signals. this site are copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily They merely represent the space found by t-SNE in which close points in high dimension stay close in lower dimension. EWC augments loss function using Fisher Information Matrix that captures the similarity of new tasks and uses the augmented loss function L() given by. wireless signal spoofing, in. The implementation will also output signal descriptors which may assist a human in signal classification e.g. An example of a skip connection is shown below: The skip-connection effectively acts as a conduit for earlier features to operate at multiple scales and depths throughout the neural network, circumventing the vanishing gradient problem and allowing for the training of much deeper networks than previously possible. So far, we assumed that all modulation types are available in training data. We have the following benchmark performance. In contrast, machine learning (ML) methods have various algorithms that do not require the linear assumption and can also control collinearity with regularized hyperparameters. their actual bandwidths) are centered at 0 Hz (+- random frequency offset, see below) random frequency offset: +- 250 Hz. 9. a machine learning-based RF jamming classification in wireless ad hoc networks is proposed. Note that state 0 needs to be classified as idle, in-network, or jammer based on deep learning. There is no need to change classification. The status may be idle, in-network, jammer, or out-network. Contamination accounts for the estimated proportion of outliers in the dataset. Classification for Real RF Signals, Real-Time and Embedded Deep Learning on FPGA for RF Signal 1:Army Modernization Priorities Directive 2017-33, 2: Vincent Boulanin and Maaike Vebruggen: November 30, 2017: "Mapping the Development of Autonomy on Weapon Systems" https://www.sipri.org//siprireport_mapping_the_development_of_autonomy_in_weap, 3: A. Feikert "Army and Marine Corps Active Protection System (APS) effort" https://fas.org/sgp/crs/weapons/R44598.pdf. In particular, deep learning can effectively classify signals based on their modulation types. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. A clean signal will have a high SNR and a noisy signal will have a low SNR. This approach uses both prediction from traffic profile and signal classification from deep learning, and would provide a better classification on channel status. The ResNet model showed near perfect classification accuracy on the high SNR dataset, ultimately outperforming both the VGG architecture and baseline approach. To this end, we propose an efficient and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) for researchers to collect their own data to build a customized RF classification system. in. Embedding showing the legend and the predicted probability for each point. Demonstrate capability to rapidly train the system to detect/identify multiple novel signal types within a typical urban environment. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. empirical investigation of catastrophic forgetting in gradient-based neural The ResNet achieves an overall classification accuracy of 99.8% on a dataset of high SNR signals and outperforms the baseline approach by an impressive 5.2% margin. Wireless networks are characterized by various forms of impairments in communications due to in-network interference (from other in-network users), out-network interference (from other communication systems), jammers, channel effects (such as path loss, fading, multipath and Doppler effects), and traffic congestion. At each SNR, there are 1000samples from each modulation type. .css('padding', '15px 5px') The loss function and accuracy are shown in Fig. spectrum sensing, in, T.Erpek, Y.E. Sagduyu, and Y.Shi, Deep learning for launching and Most of these methods modulate the amplitude, frequency, or phase of the carrier wave. 1) in building the RF signal classifier so that its outcomes can be practically used in a DSA protocol. We present a deep learning based This is a variable-SNR dataset with moderate LO drift, light fading, and numerous different labeled SNR increments for use in measuring performance across different signal and noise power scenarios. The signal classification results are used in the DSA protocol that we design as a distributed scheduling protocol, where an in-network user transmits if the received signal is classified as idle or in-network (possibly superimposed). These modules are not maintained), Larger Version (including AM-SSB): RML2016.10b.tar.bz2, Example ClassifierJupyter Notebook: RML2016.10a_VTCNN2_example.ipynb. CERCEC seeks algorithms and implementations of ML to detect and classify Radio Frequency (RF) signals. SectionIII presents the deep learning based signal classification in unknown and dynamic spectrum environments. GSI Technologys mission is to create world-class development and production partnerships using current and emerging technologies to help our customers, suppliers, and employees grow. We use 10. modulations (QPSK, 8PSK, QAM16, QAM64, CPFSK, GFSK, PAM4, WBFM, AM-SSB, and AM-DSB) collected over a wide range of SNRs from -20dB to 18dB in 2dB increments. At present, this classification is based on various types of cost- and time-intensive laboratory and/or in situ tests. 1000 superframes are generated. We HIGHLY recommend researchers develop their own datasets using basic modulation tools such as in MATLAB or GNU Radio, or use REAL data recorded from over the air! we used ns-3 to simulate different jamming techniques on wireless . New modulations appear in the network over time (see case 1 in Fig. If an alternative license is needed, please contact us at info@deepsig.io. Wireless transmitters are affected by various noise sources, each of which has a distinct impact on the signal constellation points. These soil investigations are essential for each individual construction site and have to be performed prior to the design of a project. The proposed approach takes advantage of the characteristic dispersion of points in the constellation by extracting key statistical and geometric features . Deep learning based signal classifier determines channel status based on sensing results. Background Then the signals are cut into short slices. For comparison purposes, we consider two centralized benchmark schemes by splitting a superframe into sufficient number of time slots and assigning them to transmitters to avoid collision. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) benefits from detection and classification of interference sources including in-network users, out-network users, and jammers that may all coexist in a wireless network. (secondary) users employ signal classification scores to make channel access This is what is referred to as back propagation. EWC slows down learning on selected neural network weights to remember previously learned tasks (modulations) [28]. Convolutional layers are important for image recognition and, as it turns out, are also useful for signal classification. The network learns a complex function that is able to accomplish tasks like classifying images of cats vs. dogs or, in our case, differentiating types of radio signals. This dataset was used in our paperOver-the-air deep learning based radio signal classification which was published in 2017 in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, which provides additional details and description of the dataset. In a typical RF setting, a device may need to quickly ascertain the type of signal it is receiving. Benchmark scheme 2. Project to build a classifier for signal modulations. These datasets will be made available to the research community and can be used in many use cases. Computation: Retraining using the complete dataset will take longer. network-based automatic modulation classification technique, in, G.J. Mendis, J.Wei, and A.Madanayake, Deep learning-based automated A.Odena, V.Dumoulin, and C.Olah, Deconvolution and checkerboard In this section, we present a distributed scheduling protocol that makes channel access decisions to adapt to dynamics of interference sources along with channel and traffic effects. We start with the baseline case where modulations used by different user types are known and there is no signal superposition (i.e., interfering sources are already separated). In our second approach, we converted the given data set into spectrogram images of size 41px x 108px and ran CNN models on the image data set. WABBLES is based on the flat structure of the broad learning system. If the signal is unknown, then users can record it and exchange the newly discovered label with each other. The classifier computes a score vector, We use the dataset in [1]. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Benchmark scheme 2: In-network throughput is 4196. The goal is to improve both measures. TableII shows the accuracy as a function of SNR and Fig. modulation classification for cognitive radio, in, S.Peng, H.Jiang, H.Wang, H.Alwageed, and Y.D. Yao, Modulation .css('text-decoration', 'underline') S.Ghemawat, G.Irving, M.Isard, and M.Kudlur, Tensorflow: A system for If a transmission is successful, the achieved throughput in a given time slot is 1 (packet/slot). estimation and signal detection in ofdm systems,, Y.Shi, T.Erpek, Y.E. Sagduyu, and J.Li, Spectrum data poisoning with However, these two approaches require expert design or knowledge of the signal. Job Details. Classification of Radio Signals and HF Transmission Modes with Deep Learning (2019) Introduction to Wireless Signal Recognition. Please Examples of how information can be transmitted by changing the shape of a carrier wave. Required fields are marked *. The paper proposes using a residual neural network (ResNet) to overcome the vanishing gradient problem. artifacts, 2016. We apply EWC to address this problem. BOTH | Understanding of the signal that the Active Protection System (APS) in these vehicles produces and if that signal might interfere with other vehicle software or provide its own signature that could be picked up by the enemy sensors. . We consider different modulation schemes used by different types of users transmitting on a single channel. classification using deep learning model,, T.OShea, T.Roy, and T.C. Clancy, Over-the-air deep learning based radio Each of these signals has its ej rotation. Abstract: In this paper, a novel unsupervised machine learning (ML) algorithm is presented for the expeditious radio frequency (RF) fingerprinting of LoRa modulated chirps. One separate time slot is assigned for each in-network user to transmit its data. The VGG and ResNet performances with respect to accuracy are virtually identical until SNR values exceed 10dB, at which point ResNet is the clear winner. those with radiation Dose > 0 versus 0). Thus one way of classifying RFI is to classify it as a certain modulation scheme. This classifier achieves 0.972 accuracy (see Fig. interference sources including in-network users, out-network users, and jammers By utilizing the signal classification results, we constructed a distributed scheduling protocol, where in-network (secondary) users share the spectrum with each other while avoiding interference imposed to out-network (primary) users and received from jammers. model, in, A.Ali and Y. In case 1, we applied continual learning to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. A synthetic dataset, generated with GNU Radio, consisting of 11 modulations (8 digital and 3 analog) at varying signal-to-noise ratios. We consider a wireless signal classifier that classifies signals based on modulation types into idle, in-network users (such as secondary users), out-network users (such as primary users), and jammers. Understanding if the different signals that are produced by the different systems built into these autonomous or robotic vehicles to sense the environment-radar, laser light, GPS, odometers and computer vision-are not interfering with one another. Many of the existing works have focused on classification among a closed set of transmitters known apriori. This offset will be used in the classifier to detect a jamming signal in a replay attack. Overcoming catastrophic forgetting in neural networks,, M.Hubert and M.Debruyne, Minimum covariance determinant,, P.J. Rousseeuw and K.V. Driessen, A fast algorithm for the minimum We compare benchmark results with the consideration of outliers and signal superposition. The subsets chosen are: The results of the model are shown below: This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. random phase offset. However, while recognized datasets exist in certain domains such as speech, handwriting and object recognition, there are no equivalent robust and comprehensive datasets in the wireless communications and radio frequency (RF) signals domain. We propose a machine learning-based solution for noise classification and decomposition in RF transceivers. If the received signal is classified as in-network, the in-network user needs to share the spectrum with other in-network user(s) based on the confidence of its classification. The desired implementation will be capable of identifying classes of signals, and/or emitters. 10-(a) for validation loss and Fig. There are three variations within this dataset with the following characteristics and labeling: Dataset Download: 2016.04C.multisnr.tar.bz2. We again have in-network and out-network user signals as inlier and jamming signals as outlier. If out-network signals are detected, the in-network user should not transmit to avoid any interference, i.e., out-network users are treated as primary users. If you want to skip all the readings and want to see what we provide and how you can use our code feel free to skip to the final section. Machine Learning for Detection of Muscular Activity from Surface EMG Signals: CNN: MDPI Sensors: 2022: Spinal Cord Signals Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis detection: Deep neural network assisted diagnosis of time-frequency transformed electromyograms: DNN: Multimedia Tools Appl. In this blog I will give a brief overview of the research paper Over the Air Deep Learning Based Signal Classification. Benchmark scheme 1: In-network throughput is 760. In all the cases considered, the integration of deep learning based classifier with distributed scheduling performs always much better than benchmarks. Wireless Signal Recognition with Deep Learning. This represents a cleaner and more normalized version of the 2016.04C dataset, which this supersedes. classification results provides major improvements to in-network user 1, ) such that there is no available training data for supervised learning. 2019, An Official Website of the United States Government, Federal And State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program, Growth Accelerator Fund Competition (GAFC), https://www.acq.osd.mil/osbp/sbir/solicitations/index.shtml. A CNN structure similar to the one in SectionIII-A is used. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Suppose the jammer receives the in-network user signal, which is QAM64 at 18 dB SNR, and collects 1000 samples. Out-network user success is 47.57%. In my next blog I will describe my experience building and training a ResNet signal classifier from scratch in Keras. The implementation will be capable of rapid adaptation and classification of novel signal classes and/or emitters with no further human algorithm development when given suitable training data on the new signal class. Smart jammers launch replay attacks by recording signals from other users and transmitting them as jamming signals (see case 3 in Fig. defense strategies, in, Y.E. Sagduyu, Y.Shi, and T.Erpek, IoT network security from the Memory: Previous data needs to be stored. Introduction. The "type" or transmission mode of a signal is often related to some wireless standard, for which the waveform has been generated. The assignment of time slots changes from frame to frame, based on traffic and channel status. From best to worst, other types of received signals are ordered as idle, in-network, and jammer. Radio hardware imperfections such as I/Q imbalance, time/frequency drift, and power amplifier effects can be used as a radio fingerprint in order to identify the specific radio that transmits a given signal under observation. They report seeing diminishing returns after about six residual stacks. Vadum is seeking a Signal Processing Engineer/Scientist to develop machine learning and complex signal processing algorithms. modulation type, and bandwidth. I/Q data is a translation of amplitude and phase data from a polar coordinate system to a cartesian coordinate system. Now, we simulate a wireless network, where the SNR changes depending on channel gain, signals may be received as superposed, signal types may change over time, remain unknown, or may be spoofed by smart jammers. Some signal types such as modulations used in jammer signals are unknown (see case 2 in Fig. The classification of soils into categories with a similar range of properties is a fundamental geotechnical engineering procedure. As the name indicates, it is comprised of a number of decision trees. We recommend researchers and ML engineers create their own datasets using real data for new work and usage! Deep learning provides a score on the confidence of classification to four types of signals: idle, in-network, jammer, and out-network. 11.Using image data, predict the gender and age range of an individual in Python. RF communication systems use advanced forms of modulation to increase the amount of data that can be transmitted in a given amount of frequency spectrum. It is essential to incorporate these four realistic cases (illustrated in Fig. .main-container .alert-message { display:none !important;}, SBIR | The second approach of feature extraction followed by outlier detection yields the best performance. networks,, W.Lee, M.Kim, D.Cho, and R.Schober, Deep sensing: Cooperative spectrum This assumption is reasonable for in-network and out-network user signals. modulation type, and bandwidth. Results show that this approach achieves higher throughput for in-network users and higher success ratio for our-network users compared with benchmark (centralized) TDMA schemes. These modulations are categorized into signal types as discussed before. We optimally assign time slots to all nodes to minimize the number of time slots. The boosted gradient tree is a different kind of machine learning technique that does not learn on raw data and requires hand crafted feature extractors. Blindly decoding a signal requires estimating its unknown transmit Postal (Visiting) Address: UCLA, Electrical Engineering, 56-125B (54-130B) Engineering IV, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594, UCLA Cores Lab Historical Group Photographs, Deep Learning Approaches for Open Set Wireless Transmitter Authorization, Deep Learning Based Transmitter Identification using Power Amplifier Nonlinearity, Open Set RF Fingerprinting using Generative Outlier Augmentation, Open Set Wireless Transmitter Authorization: Deep Learning Approaches and Dataset Considerations, Penetrating RF Fingerprinting-based Authentication with a Generative Adversarial Attack, Real-time Wireless Transmitter Authorization: Adapting to Dynamic Authorized Sets with Information Retrieval, WiSig: A Large-Scale WiFi Signal Dataset for Receiver and Channel Agnostic RF Fingerprinting. Performance of modulation classification for real RF signals, in, Y.Shi, K.Davaslioglu, and Y.E. Sagduyu, Generative adversarial network for classification using convolutional neural network based deep learning our results with our data (morad_scatch.ipynb), a notebook that builds a similar model but simplified to classify handwritten digits on the mnist dataset that achieves 99.43% accuracy (mnist_example.ipynb), the notebook we used to get the t-SNE embeddings on training and unlabelled test data to evaluate models (tsne_clean.ipynb), simplified code that can be used to get your own t-SNE embeddings on your own Keras models and plot them interactively using Bokeh if you desire (tsne_utils.py), a notebook that uses tsne_utils.py and one of our models to get embeddings for signal modulation data on training data only (tsne_train_only.ipynb), a notebook to do t-SNE on the mnist data and model (mnist_tsne.ipynb). On the other hand, if a model is re-trained using the new three modulations with Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), performance on the previous five modulations drops significantly (see Fig. This method divides the samples into k=2 clusters by iteratively finding k cluster centers. Benchmark scheme 1: In-network user throughput is 829. The data has been created synthetically by first modulating speech, music and text using standard software. We use a weight parameter w[0,1] to combine these two confidences as wcTt+(1w)(1cDt). The average accuracy over all signal-to-noise-ratios (SNRs) is 0.934. If the signal is known, then the signal passes through the classifier to be labeled. If you are interested in learning more about DeepSig and our solutions, contact us! For case 1, we apply continual learning and train a A locked padlock) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .gov website. It is essential to incorporate these four realistic cases (illustrated in Fig. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Therefore, we organized a Special Issue on remote sensing . PHASE III:Integration of the detection and classification system into Next Generation Combat Vehicles (NGCV) as well as current vehicles such as the Stryker, the Bradley and the Abrams. Deep learning provides a hands-off approach that allows us to automatically learn important features directly off of the raw data. be unknown for which there is no training data; 3) signals may be spoofed such 10-(b) for validation accuracy). that may all coexist in a wireless network. Over time, three new modulations are introduced. Related studies In the literature, there are broad range of applications and methods regarding drone detection and classification. A deep convolutional neural network architecture is used for signal modulation classification. .css('margin', '0 15px') The authors of the research paper provide a download link to the 20Gb dataset described in the paper here: Download Link. Wireless signals are received as superimposed (see case 4 in Fig. We categorize modulations into four signal types: in-network user signals: QPSK, 8PSK, CPFSK, jamming signals: QAM16, QAM64, PAM4, WBFM, out-network user signals: AM-SSB, AM-DSB, GFSK, There are in-network users (trying to access the channel opportunistically), out-network users (with priority in channel access) and jammers that all coexist. We now consider the signal classification for the case that the received signal is potentially a superposition of two signal types. In particular, we aim to design a classifier using I/Q data with hardware impairments to identify the type of a transmitter (in-network user or jammer). In my last blog I briefly introduced traditional radio signal classification methods; a meticulous process that required expertly handcrafted feature extractors. Data transmission period is divided into time slots and each transmitter sends data in its assigned time slots. This approach achieves over time the level of performance similar to the ideal case when there are no new modulations. My last blog I will describe my experience building and training a ResNet signal classifier that! Jamming classification in unknown and dynamic spectrum environments signal-to-noise-ratios ( SNRs ) is 0.934 RF signals, and/or emitters G.J. A project a superposition of two signal types as discussed before we applied Continual learning to mitigate forgetting... Classification in unknown and dynamic spectrum environments typical urban environment solutions, contact us at info @.. Far, we assumed that all modulation types classification in unknown and dynamic spectrum.. Resnet signal classifier from scratch in Keras on remote sensing layers are important for image recognition,. User throughput is 829, if there is no available training data, nij=nij+1 a better classification on channel.!, we applied Continual learning in reinforcement environments, Ph.D 5px ' ) with out-network ( primary users. So that its outcomes can be further improved a translation of amplitude and phase data from a polar system! Results with the following properties: 172,800 signal vectors we also introduce TorchSig, a algorithm! Cancer detection and classification of radio signals and HF transmission Modes with deep learning based radio each which. Important features from the input data for a better classification on channel status based on the of. Contamination that needs to be labeled with out-network ( primary ) users jammers! Model showed near perfect classification accuracy on the confidence of classification to four types of signals idle... 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